请发邮件Email(lovelybabysu666@gmail.com)或短信 联系看房。谢谢
1. 地址:3500 Burke Village Promenade
2. 区域:Burke Mountain
3. 户型: 联排
4. 房间:4房2.5卫
5. 楼层:
6.面积 sqft: 1491sqft
7. 土地 sqft: sqft
8. 房龄:
9. 租金: $3600
10. 水电煤网: 租客负责电,煤气,网络, 水
11. 要求: 租客买租客险,信用调查,无烟无宠
12. 家具:无
14. 学校:
K - 5 Leigh Elementary
6 - 8 Minnekhada Middle
9 - 12 Terry Fox Secondary
15. 公车:191,174,173,863
16. 公园:deboville slough, Victoria Park and Greenmount Park.
请发邮件Email(lovelybabysu666@gmail.com)或短信 联系看房。谢谢
Disclaimer: The information contained herein has either been provided by the owner of the property or, obtained from sources that we deem reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy but we do not guarantee it.
有意请联系:(604) 369-0773